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The workshop Instinct as a source of movement is especially focused on generating our own creative material from our most innate essence and, in some way, more animal, what our instinct would be. And in this instinct, Olivan wants to establish the starting point to develop one's own creativity.

Moving efficiently becomes an important factor, but not the only one. It is essential to understand the concept of gravity and recognize internal sensations, as well as the perception of breathing and the visualization of the energy released by movement. This sensory awareness unites the mind and the physical structure, and relates them to the spatial energies towards oneself and towards others. In this sense, the body becomes a projection tool for physical and emotional flow. The strength of mental images, such as lines and structures around and in the body that define us, help us better understand the functionality of the body.



An international creator, he began his training at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona and at the P.A.R.T.S. from Brussels. Roberto is the director of ROPA / Roberto Olivan Performing Arts, a Performing Arts company that was born in Brussels in 2001 and currently has its headquarters in L'Obrador – Espai de Creació, in Deltebre. Likewise, he directs the Deltebre Dansa festival, an international event held annually since 2004 and of which he is also the founder.

He began his career as a professional dancer working in the prestigious Rosas company, directed by Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, and has danced under the direction of renowned creators Robert Wilson, Tom Jansen and Josse de Pauw. Roberto's international career is very versatile. In addition to his own ROPA / Roberto Olivan Performing Arts productions, Roberto has established himself as a choreographer and dancer, creating commissions for dance companies, universities, schools, conservatories and dance centers around the world, as well as in the field of cinema.

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